How it works

Simply book and start driving

  1. Register online

    Register online for free without any ties. You will receive a confirmation and your personal documents by e-mail. Register now

  2. Collect customer card

    You can obtain your personal customer card at one of our activation points. This card is your key to all book-n-drive cars.

  3. Book and start driving

    With the customer card you can start immediately. In the login area you can book cars, change future bookings and view your contract data.

Your advantages

  • Often cheaper than your own car
  • Always incl. fuel, maintenance and comprehensive insurance
  • A suitable car, always, at any station near you
  • Book online and drive away, for one hour or longer
  • Thousands of cars all over Germany
  • No basic costs or minimum duration
  • “Don’t drive, don’t pay” with our free Basic tariff

This is how book-n drive carsharing works

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